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Hydroseeding Q&A



1. How Often Should I Water My New Lawn?
Keep the lawn moist at all time. If you cannot provide frequent and light watering then you must soak the lawn for 30 minutes or until runoff is detected. This watering process should be done twice a day for a week, every early morning and evening . You may then reduce the watering to every alternative day then twice a week, till the first mowing.


2. Do Not Let the Germinating Seeds Dry Out !
Watering is the most effective if being carried out during the early morning or evening hours when sunlight cannot cause excessive evaporation. After your lawn becomes established, it requires about one inch of water per week. The soil should be soaked thoroughly for six inches of water.


3. When Do I Require to Fertilize My New Lawn?
A commercial fertilizer was applied with seed at the same time. This will give the young grass seedlings a healthy start. You are not required to fertilize for 10 - 12 weeks.

4. My New Lawn Looks Patchy... What's Wrong?
Some perennial grasses take up to thirty days to germinate. The faster germinating grasses will appear in about 7- 8 days after hydroseeding. Germination is a gradual process. With proper watering, the perennial grasses grow and thicken eventually providing that lush look.



Hydroseeding Working Procedure


Choice of Hydroseeding Seeds


Advantages of Hydroseeding

Hydroseeding Job Reference